What’s new in Google Ads 2024?

What’s new in Google Ads 2024?

In 2024, Google Ads has undergone significant updates that are revolutionising the way advertisers manage and optimise their campaigns. These updates have introduced several new features and functionalities aimed at improving campaign performance, enhancing targeting capabilities, and providing advertisers with more control over their advertising investments.

AI-powered Search ads

One of the most notable updates introduced by Google Ads is the expansion of automation features powered by machine learning algorithms. With the proliferation of AI technology, advertisers now have access to advanced automation tools that can streamline campaign management processes, optimise bidding strategies, and deliver more personalised ad experiences to users. These automation features not only save advertisers time and resources but also enable them to achieve better results by leveraging data-driven insights and predictive analytics.

One recent update which utilises AI is that responsive search ads can now show one headline when it’s predicted to improve your performance. As part of this change, a headline will now be eligible to show at the beginning of description lines.

More info: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/14506789

Campaign level headlines and descriptions

Campaign Level Headlines and Descriptions in Google Ads refer to a feature that allows advertisers to create and manage multiple ad variations within a single campaign. With this feature, advertisers can create different headlines and descriptions for their ads and test them to see which ones perform best.

The Campaign Level Headlines and Descriptions feature provides advertisers with greater flexibility and control over their ad messaging. Instead of creating separate ad groups for each variation, advertisers can now manage all their ad variations within a single campaign, making it easier to organize and optimize their campaigns.

By testing different headlines and descriptions, advertisers can identify which messages resonate most with their target audience and drive the highest click-through and conversion rates. This allows advertisers to refine their ad messaging and optimize their campaigns for better performance.

Additionally, Campaign Level Headlines and Descriptions enable advertisers to run more efficient A/B tests and experiments. By comparing the performance of different ad variations within the same campaign, advertisers can quickly identify winning combinations and allocate budget more effectively to top-performing ads.

More info: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/14506789

Showing the best performing assets for each query

Showing the best performing assets for each query in Google Ads is a feature that allows advertisers to dynamically optimize their ad creatives based on real-time performance data. With this feature, Google Ads automatically selects and displays the most relevant ad assets, such as headlines, descriptions, and images, for each search query.

By leveraging machine learning algorithms and historical performance data, Google Ads identifies the assets that are most likely to resonate with users and drive the highest click-through and conversion rates. This dynamic optimisation process ensures that advertisers' ads are always optimised for maximum performance and relevance

More info: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/14506789

Greater Emphasis on Privacy and Data Protection

With the increasing focus on user privacy and data protection, Google Ads has introduced enhanced user consent management features. Advertisers are now required to obtain explicit consent from users before collecting and processing their personal data for advertising purposes. This ensures that users have greater control over how their data is used for targeted advertising, helping to build trust and transparency in the advertising ecosystem.

More info: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/14505993


These updates reflect Google's commitment to enhancing the flexibility, effectiveness, and efficiency of digital marketing, while also prioritising user privacy and data security. 

Advertisers are encouraged to adapt to these changes to better optimise their PPC strategies and potentially improve their return on investment.


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