Google Tag Manager – What Is It, And What Are The Benefits?

Google Tag Manager – What Is It, And What Are The Benefits?

What Is Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag Manager is a tool that you are able to use in order to simplify the process of managing the tags on your website. But what is Google Tag Manager, and how does it work? Well in this blog we will tell you some of the benefits of Google Tag Manager and how it stacks up against Google Analytics, but first how Google Tag Manager works.

How Does Google Tag Manager Work?

Google Tag Manager works by allowing you to add and manage tracking tags on your website without having to modify the website's code directly. This is a much simpler way of doing things and requires less input from website developers. 

Overall, GTM provides a streamlined and flexible way to manage website tracking, allowing you to track user behaviour in more detail and make more informed decisions about your marketing and website optimization strategies.

Google Tag Manager Benefits

  1. Simplifies website tracking: Google Tag Manager can provide you with an easy-to-use interface for tracking website activity without the need for custom code. Google Tag Manager allows you to set up tracking tags for various actions, such as page views, form submissions, button clicks, and more.
  1. Reduces reliance on developers: Google Tag Manager will make it easy for marketers and non-technical users to set up tracking tags. This will reduce the amount of reliance on web developers adding codes to your site and save time and money by reducing the need for developers.
  1. Enables more precise tracking: Google Tag Manager can allow for more granular tracking than Google Analytics alone, such as tracking specific clicks or form submissions. This will allow for much more detailed insights into your audience’s behaviours and will therefore help to optimise your website based on this. 
  1. Streamlines tag management: Google Tag Manager centralizes all tracking tags in one place, this will make it easier for you to manage and update your tags across multiple different pages and platforms. Furthermore, this will help to ensure consistency in your tracking and reduce the risk of errors and discrepancies in data.
  2. Enables integration with third-party tools: Google Tag Manager can allow for easy integration via third-party tools such as Facebook Ads & Google AdWords. This can lead to a more comprehensive view of your website performance as well as more effective advertising on your marketing campaigns.

Why use Google Tag Manager instead of Google Analytics?

Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics are both powerful tools for tracking website activity, but there are some key differences between the two. Here are some of the benefits of using Google Tag Manager over Google Analytics:

  1. Makes tag management much easier - When using Google Analytics there is a need to place the tags on the page. However, GTM makes it easier to manage tags in one place without having to change code. 
  1. No need for developers - Marketers can set up their own tags in GTM which removes the need for web developers to update marketing tags will go away.
  1. Reduced reliance on developers - With Google Tag Manager, you don't need to rely on developers to add tracking tags to your website. Instead, you can set up tags yourself using Google Tag Manager's easy-to-use interface. This can save time and money and allow you to be more agile in your marketing efforts. Whilst on Google Analytics you of course have to rely on the website developer to add our code to the site.
  1. Greater flexibility and customization - Google Tag Manager allows you to create custom tags and triggers based on your specific business needs. This will give you greater flexibility and control over how you track website activity and can help you make more informed decisions about marketing and website optimization.
  1. Easier integration with third-party tools - Google Tag Manager makes it easy to integrate with tools. For example, Google Analytics and Google Ads, as well as third-party tools like Facebook Ads. The reason this is a benefit is of course it can provide a more complete picture of your website performance and will help you to make more informed marketing decisions.
  1. Improved website performance - By tracking website activity in more detail, Google Tag Manager will provide you with insights into your user behaviour that can help to optimize your website performance. For example, you can track which pages are causing users to drop off and fix them via a button click or more insightful information, which buttons are being clicked most often, and more. This will benefit you by allowing you to make informed decisions about website design and content to improve user experience and drive conversions.

Google Analytics is the tracking tool, while Google Tag Manager is the mediator between your website and the tracking tool. In other words, Google Analytics collects, stores, and analyzes data. Google Tag Manager sends the data from your website to Google Analytics (or other tools) in the form of Tags so utilising them in tandem ensures a great overall experience.

Should I switch to Google Tag Manager?

GTM can speed up many tracking processes. Research that was cited by Forbes notes a 600% improvement in tag implementation for customers using GTM. With pre-built templates and an easy-to-navigate user interface, marketers can create, test and deploy tracking codes and events in real-time. 

Need help with Google Tag Manager? How Can Bidmark Help You?

In conclusion, Google Tag Manager is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of managing tags on a website. By using a single container tag, website owners can manage and deploy various tags, including Google Analytics and AdWords, from one central location. 

This saves time and effort while also providing users with advanced features such as version control and tag-firing rules. If you're looking to improve your website's data tracking and management processes, Google Tag Manager is definitely worth considering. If you are in need of help with setting up your Google Tag Manager conversion events or linking up the events with Google Analytics make sure to check out our GTM tracking web page and get in touch with us if need any help with Google Tag Manager.

Need further assistance? Our analytics and tracking team can help you set up a Google tag manager account for your marketing activities. Speak to us today & find out more about how our digital marketing services.


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