Understanding the Difference Between Informative & Intent Keywords

Understanding the Difference Between Informative & Intent Keywords

When it comes to the world of Google Ads, selecting the correct keywords is the cornerstone of any successful Google Ads campaign. Keywords are the way to connect your potential customers to your ads. However, as we are sure you know not all keywords are created equal. To target the audience that will gain you the most value and achieve your campaign goals it's crucial to determine which primary category of keywords (informational keywords or intent keywords) will help you to achieve your goals. In this blog, we will be exploring the significant differences between these keywords and when it is best to use either of these types of keywords to reach your goals.

Informative Keywords

Informative keywords, also known as top-of-funnel keywords, are used to capture the attention of users who are currently not looking to buy a product and instead are in the very early stages of the buying journey. These users are typically seeking information, answers, or solutions to their problems. Informative keywords have a broader and more general focus and will look to educate and provide valuable content as opposed to asking a potential customer to buy from you immediately. More often than not you will see a lot of impressions and clicks come from these keywords and a lower conversion rate.

Here's a breakdown of informative keywords:

Examples of informational keywords: "How can I lose weight," "Best gardening tips," "History of space exploration."

Objective: These keywords are geared toward informing, educating, and engaging users in order to build awareness and establish your brand as a reliable source of information.

Conversion Rate: The conversion rate is often lower as the people searching informative keywords are more focused on getting answers than buying a product
Audience: A broad audience interested in particular topics or subjects, but not in the buying phase of the funnel yet.

Intent Keywords

Intent keywords, also known as bottom-of-funnel keywords, are more geared towards audiences who are in the buying phase of the funnel rather than top of funnel audiences. These keywords are specific and often include phrases like "buy," "book," or "for sale." Intent keywords are focused on converting users into customers, you will usually see less impressions come from these keywords as the audience size is smaller but also a much higher conversion rate for intent keywords.

Here's a breakdown of intent keywords:

Examples of intent keywords: "Buy iPhone 13," "Garden lighting for sale," and "Book a flight to Iceland."

Objective: Prompt users to convert to customers through taking an action such as making a purchase, requesting a quote, or signing up for a service.

Conversion Rate: Higher, as users using these keywords are actively looking to make a purchase.
Audience: Users who have already gone through the research phase and are now ready to make a decision or take action.

Choosing the Right Keywords for Your Google Ads Campaign

The key to success in Google Ads lies in utilising both informative and intent keywords. Let's explore when you should use each type of keyword and when you should focus on one specific type of keyword:

Campaign Goals: If your primary goal is to build your brand’s awareness or answer your audience’s most pressing questions, then informative keywords are the right keywords for you. These keywords are ideal for content marketing campaigns and blog posts that establish your brand's authority in any given topic whether it be digital marketing or something else.

Conversion Focus: When your campaign goal is to drive an increase in sales or leads, intent keywords should be the focal point of your campaign. Use these keywords for product listings, lead generation forms, or service offerings to see an increase in your conversions.

Budget Allocation: If you are considering your budget allocation when deciding which type of keywords to target make sure to note that informational keywords may require a larger portion of your budget since they typically have higher search volumes but lower conversion rates. Intent keywords may be more cost-effective in terms of conversions so if your goal is to increase leads or sales and not widen your brand awareness then the best use of your budget would be intent keywords.
Funnel Positioning: Another consideration you should take when choosing what type of keywords you want to focus on should be where your audience is in the sales funnel. If they are in the top-of-funnel phase, we recommend using informative keywords. If they are in the bottom of the funnel stage, we recommend using intent keywords.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, understanding the difference between informative and intent keywords is essential for crafting an effective Google Ads campaign. In order to craft a successful campaign you must choose the right keywords that will help to achieve your goals. By strategically combining both informative and intent keywords in your campaigns, you will be able to reach and convert a wider range of customers and drive better results.

How Bidmark Can Help You

Bidmark’s Google advertising agency in Leeds is adept at setting up and managing effective Google Advertising Campaigns for businesses in all industries. Contact Us today to see how we can help your business reach a new audience and ultimately grow online when utilising our digital marketing services.


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